Sunday, April 29, 2007

Christian Love?

The following invitation was sent to me by a 'friend of Israel'

Have You Ever Wondered…

What is the relationship between biblical and modern Israel?

How is the life of Messiah reflected in the history of the Jewish people?

Is there a connection between the conflict in the Middle East and Jesus’ expected Second Coming?

How should Christians relate to Israel and to the Jewish people?

How will Israel and the Church one day be united?

For Answers, Come To…

The Final Marriage

The Dramatic Love Story of

Israel and the Church

A multi-media presentation by André Villeneuve

Where? Rama 18 (Nachlaot)

(off Shilo st, near the shuk)

When? Thursday, May 10, 2007, 7:00 PM

For more info, call 0547-261439 or write to

Map below

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